30 November 2024

Arrested for protesting against the killing of children

Clare Rogers is campaigning to highlight the arrest of her daughter Zoe Rogers who is being held in prison accused of taking part in a protest against a subsidiary of Israel's largest arms factory. Her trial is due in 2025, and she and nine others could face years in prison. Rogers highlights Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest arms company, for producing weapons she believes fuel violence against Palestinians. These weapons, marketed as “battle-tested” on Gazans, symbolise a cycle of violence perpetuated with UK complicity. She wrote a poem called Prison Conversations.

When they ask why I did it
I tell them about the children
how their childhood was stolen from them
how their skeletons are left charred and smoking
how easily their bodies are crushed by falling buildings
how their skin melts as their flaming tents collapse around them

I tell them of the boy
found carrying his brother’s body 
inside his bloody backpack
I tell them of the girl 
whose hanging corpse ended at the knees
I tell them of the father 
holding up his headless toddler
I tell them of the mother 
who received the ‘approximate weight’
of her family in body parts to bury 
as they had all been shattered 
beyond recognition

Then I tell them about the history
how this has happened time and time again
I tell them about the Stern Gang
the Hilltop Youth
the wars of 48 & 67
Operation Cast Lead & Protective Edge
I explain how they call it ‘mowing the lawn’ 
'cleaning' the land of these 'human animals’

How they calculate the minimum nutrients 
to keep everyone alive
chop a bit off and let only that inside
How since the war they've banned 
chlorine morphine and children’s toys
and much more that's needed 
for people to survive

Finally I talk about 
how it was us that started it
with our Balfour Declaration 
and media suppression
and I say I cannot stand for this
it can go on no longer
so I took action against Elbit
their weapons supplier

But I never forget to say 
that it was love not hate that called me
watching their songs and dances for freedom
reading their hope-filled books
listening to their dreams
of being doctors teachers journalists
and never giving up

Zoe Rogers
HMP Bronzefield
September 2024