2 January 2025

Tell me this is not a genocide

The wilful blindness and the complicit silence of those who subscribed to “Never Again” is sickening. The Geneva conventions created rules of war to prevent the descent into barbarity. We have gone beyond that for over a year now. The extent of depravity of the Israeli regime supported by the US and UK is like nothing seen before. And then I saw this CNN news piece.

CNN: I mean, these are baby wipes.

Interviewee (Warehouse manager in Jordan): Em, Yes

CNN:Why are you still waiting for permission on baby wipes?

Interviewee: I don’t know

CNN: You have bandages …

Interviewee: Yes

CNN: And coming up over here you’ve got wheelchairs, crutches …in that kind of war situation, these are really really important things for people …medicines, vitamin C over here.

Interviewee: Yes, Yes, and this is what we think, what we believe, it is crucial need that needs to be sent immediately to Gaza. There is no excuse why it’s still in our warehouse

CNN:  It’s not just here that they are confused, previously Israel has said it’s restricting military use items and provided a list. Now humanitarians tell CNN they have not received an update so they’re relying on guesswork. CNN has obtained documents from three major participants in the humanitarian operation. A ghost list, compiled by organisations piecing together the most frequently rejected items.  Among them, anaesthesia, crutches, generators, water purification tablets and filtration systems, solar panels, ventilators, tent poles, x-ray machines and oxygen cylinders.

Meanwhile duplicitous mainstreams news presenters shore up this savagery by expressing in cut glass accents their “moral quandary” over whether this is genocide. Tell that to the new borns whose entire families have been bombed, shredded, burnt or vaporised. These ivory tower commentators have the luxury of sitting so genteel in another country with their white saviour complex protecting their own interests and fragile sensibilities. Tell me this is not a genocide.