22 January 2025
Talking with a friend who lives in the West Bank, she told me: “all cities are locked down because of checkpoints but nothing like Jenin. We just keep praying that things get better for everyone in Gaza and the West Bank.
“But we try to keep our hopes up. No imperialist colonial power can ever last.
“What is happening is beyond imagination. We keep saying how in old times at least there were still ethics in war. Now it’s just pure evil.
“Once, even the Israeli army had some sort of a red line. Now that line doesn’t exist. It’s actually encouraged to cross the line as much as one can. Though it’s not as hyper visible as Gaza or to the extent of Gaza.
“In the West Bank we have lockdowns and checkpoints and soldiers barging in cities to take people into prisons and demolish houses.
“It’s the worst in Jenin because they are actually bombing it and throwing rockets in a way that is similar to Gaza.
“But since it’s a relatively small city then the people affected are not as many as the people in Gaza … in Jenin most of the bombings are taking place in Jenin’s refugee camp which is overcrowded but still smaller than Gaza. 500,000 people.
“They can put all cities in the west bank into a lockdown just by closing the checkpoints. We also get our water and electricity from Israel. So they can easily stop these resources.”
I didn’t realise Israel had the power to cut water, electricity and supplies to the West Bank, just like Gaza.
“Yes, because nothing can enter or exit cities when they close the checkpoints. Absolutely nothing. And they control all resources. Water rations have been reduced by 45%. So we get water some days of the week. The other days we just have to rely on what remains in our tanks. We have to be careful using water. They supply us with water through companies. And we all have tanks in our houses. Which are filled once or twice a week depending on the week.”
Can you collect rainwater?
“It doesn’t rain enough,” she replied. “It only rains a few times a year. We can’t build solar panels either.”
“It’s very sunny in Palestine and we can actually use solar power instead of relying on Israeli electric companies. But we’re not allowed to build solar panels. So we have to keep paying them money for our electricity use. People tried to build solar panels but they got into too much trouble”.
Do Israelis use solar panels?
But Palestinians are specifically not allowed to?
With so much sun?
“That way they control all our resources.”
All this was said in a matter of fact manner. Normalised apartheid.
“We can’t do anything but keep on living with pride and help each other out. Their economy depends on us as well, but most Israeli official don’t care about this because they already get money from the US and European countries”
Once upon a time there was apartheid South Africa. Then it was dismantled. And so will this entity.
(Below, North Gaza)